Jules Moxon

Jules Moxon
Called to the bar in 2018

Jules has a general civil practice, with particular interest in Administrative and Public Law (including Native Title), Commercial & Contractual Disputes and Family Law (both property & parenting). He also accepts briefs in Industrial and Succession matters.

Prior to being called to the bar, Jules was a ministerial adviser in the Commonwealth Government and a solicitor in the litigation & insolvency team at Allens. He has appeared led and unled in both interlocutory proceedings & trials, and in the Federal, Federal Circuit & Family, Supreme, District and Magistrates’ Courts.


XBT v State of Queensland [2025]QSC 9
Electoral Commissioner of the Australian Electoral Commission v Laming [2024]FCAFC 109
Wang v State of Queensland [2024]QSC 156
CPB Contractors Pty Ltd v Construction, Forestry and Maritime Employees Union [2024]FCA 459
Bill Karageozis as trustee for the bankrupt estate of Siobhan Lamb v Sherman [2023]QCA 258
Churchin v State of Queensland [2023]QDC 263
Stariha v K&T Earthmoving Pty Ltd [2023]QDC 133
Lamb v Sherman [2023]FCAFC 85
Nafady v Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs [2022]FCA 1434
TCN v Public Guardian & Anor [2022]QCATA 158
Duffy & Duffy [2022]FedCFamC1F 635
Sherman v Lamb [2022]QDC 215
Adam Toth Constructions Pty Ltd v Qiming Lu [2022]QDC 132
Kantor & Jeong (No 2) [2022]FedCFamC1A61
Masters v Minister for Police and Corrective Services and Minister for Fire and Emergency Services [2022]QSC 47
Gambera & Lethbridge [2022]FedCFamC1F25
Regan & Regan [2021]FedCFamC1F 159
Lamb v Sherman [2021]QCA 290
Klaus v Wallace [2021]NSWCATAP 375 (for the successful appellant)
Sherman v Lamb [2021]QDC 192
Day, in the matter of A Bliss Clinic Pty Limited v Goodwin (No 2) [2020]FCA 869
Day, in the matter of A Bliss Clinic Pty Limited v Goodwin [2020]FCA 826
Richards & Anor v Queensland Building and Construction Commission & Anor (No 2) [2019]QCAT 372 (on the issue of costs)
Richards & Anor v Queensland Building and Construction Commission & Anor [2019]QCAT 189
Lunapas Pty Ltd v Palermo Seafoods Pty Ltd [2018]QSC 301


Bar Association of Queensland


Associate to the Hon Justice Dowsett AM (Federal Court of Australia)
Solicitor, Allens
Advisor, Office of the Attorney-General (Cth)
2018- present


Bachelor of Economics (Queensland)
Bachelor of Laws (Hons I) (Queensland)
Master of Laws (Queensland)
Master of Laws (Melbourne)