Nick Ferrett KC

Nick Ferrett QC
Called to the bar in 1999
Took silk in 2018

Nick has extensive trial experience in the Supreme and Federal Courts, particularly in commercial matters and in defamation. Nick is also experienced in applications for interim relief such as freezing orders and inspection orders.


Auto Parts Group v Cooper [2015]QSC 155

Restraints of trade in employee contracts.

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Blu Logistics SA Pty Ltd v Flogineering Pty Ltd [][2023] FCAFC 103

Drawing inferences of fact from proven facts.

Damages for loss of opportunity under the Australian Consumer Law.

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Browning v ACN 149 351 413 Pty Ltd (in liq) [2016]QCA 169

Contract law and insolvency protections required by the Queensland Building and Construction Commission as a condition of building licences.

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Carter Capner Law v Clift [](2020) 4 QR 600

Validity of a speculative costs agreement.  Circumstances in which a solicitor will be ordered to deliver an itemised bill to a client.

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Courtney v Chalfen [][2023] QSC 126

Permanent stay of proceeding as abuse of process.

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Courtney v Chalfen [][2020] QCA 294

Whether a claim in the Supreme Court of Queensland for breach of bailment occurring in the Cayman Islands should be stayed on the basis that Queensland was an inappropriate forum within the meaning of rule 127 of the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules.

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Crocker v Infa-Secure Pty Ltd [2018]FCA 84

Vexatious litigant orders.

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Enkelmann v Stewart [][2023] QCA 155

Proper construction of UCPR 212 regarding abrogation of privilege in documents recording opinions of experts. Waiver of privilege imputed from conduct.

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Flegg v Hallett [2015]QSC 167

Defamation, including one of the largest overall damages awards ever achieved in Queensland.

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Flegg v Hallett (No 2) [2015]2 Qd R 483

The overlap between parliamentary privilege and defamation law.

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Flogineering Pty Ltd v Blu Logistics SA Pty Ltd [2018]FCA 1479

Misleading and deceptive conduct with respect to the use of measuring instruments in the transport of bulk milk.

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Infa-Secure Pty Ltd v Crocker (No 3) [2018]FCA 605

Misleading and deceptive conduct and unjustified claims under the Copyright Act. This case involved a detailed consideration of the principles as to whether conduct is in trade or commerce.

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La Costa D Oro Pty Ltd v Karananos [][2021] QSC 167

Maintenance of a caveat.  Whether there was a serious question as to whether the purchaser had a right to specific performance.

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Lamb v Sherman [][2021] QCA 290

Whether use in court of documents created for mediation in another proceeding constitutes an abuse of process.

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Lamb v Sherman [][2023] FCFCA 85

Whether an application to set aside a bankruptcy notice filed in the Federal Court using its online system on the last day for filing but after the registry had closed was considered to be filed on that day or the next day.  Interaction of provisions of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 and the Federal Court Rules 2011.

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Lowden v Elliott Harvey Securities Ltd (No 2) [2016]FCA 740

Inspection of documents held by liquidators in the context of ongoing litigation.

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Mather v Smith [2015]1 Qd R 606

Defamation and the defence of qualified privilege.

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Mizikovsky v Berkley [][2021] QSC 294

Pleading as to special damages for defamation struck out as embarrassing.

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Nendy v Armstrong [](2020) QR 684

Estoppel by conduct where the owner of real property had promised the property to the applicant in exchange for the applicant’s looking after him until he died.

Adverse possession.

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Palmer v Ayres; Ferguson v Ayres [2017]341 ALR 18

The constitutionality of bestowing the power to conduct public examinations in respect of trading corporations on courts exercising federal jurisdiction.

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Palmer v Nationwide News Pty Ltd [2014]QSC 174

Defamation and defamatory meaning.

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Palmer; re Queensland Nickel Pty Ltd (in liq) [2016]FCA 1048

Setting aside examination summonses under Part 5.9 of the Corporations Act 2001.

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Palmer; re Queensland Nickel Pty Ltd (in liq) [2016]FCA 1094

Leave to appeal on the same issue.

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Parkinson v Mackay Sugar Ltd [2018]QSC 168

Interpretation of sugar supply contracts in central Queensland.

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Rocky Point Holdings Pty Ltd v TEB Enterprises Pty Ltd [2023][2023] QSC 20

Leave to lodge a caveat after letting an earlier one lapse.

Whether a person seeking to rely on an unstamped document to establish a caveatable interest can do so if they offer an undertaking to pay the duty.

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Rivergate Marina & Shipyard Pty Ltd v Morphett [2017]QDC 141

Contractual responsibility for the sinking of a yacht at a marina.

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Schoch v Mineralogy Pty Ltd [2015]QSC 326

Formation of contracts and interpretation of them.

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Seeto Kui (Holdings) Ltd v Chow [2016]QCA 112

Leave to proceed after delay when the only question remaining is costs.

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